“Sushi – A World in a Grain of Sand” featuring works of eleven artists from Japan, China, Hong Kong, the Philippines, and Iran. The exhibition is curated by Xn Office, a young Chinese curator team founded by art historian Penny Dan Xu and artist Ni Youyu. Displaying artworks of exceptionally small size, this exhibition celebrates the exquisite, and calls our attention to the power of the minute.
The title of the exhibition references the documentary Jiro Dreams of Sushi (2012). Jiro Ono, the main character of the film, is more than a master chef, he is an artist chasing perfection in something very small. In the same fashion, the exhibition centers on a set of keywords, such as ‘minuteness’, ‘delicacy’, ‘ordinariness’, and ‘craftsmanship’, displaying works in different media, all of which invite the viewer to “see the large in the small”.